The Gruppo Building with Paratissima XII
Turin, 3 November 2016. Star (t) point and Building Art: the suggestion of the stars for a visionary design. On the occasion of the twelfth edition, the Building Group supports Paratissima through the creation of two workshops that build a space for the transit of thought and a public and conscious art. Between 2 and 6 November at Torino Esposizioni, visitors entering Paratissima will pass through the Star (t) Point, the area destined for the entrance of the fair space, designed through the involvement of a group of professional architects. The workshop is coordinated by the Fondazione per l’architecture together with Sikkens, Bonetto Design Furnishing, Ethical Design, Rossi Eliography In parallel Building and Paratissima present Building Art: the simultaneous action of the artist Domenico Borrelli and two architects leads to the creation of a large sculpture, usable in the path of Paratissima XII, which will then be relocated at the end of the event in the courtyard of Quadrato, the transformation of the ancient convent of Sant’Agostino in the heart of the Roman quadrilateral in Turin, under construction by the Building Group. The work of the artist Domenico Borrelli, result of the workshop realized with recovered materials of the Building yards, in collaboration with IAAD, Politecnico di Torino and Lombroso16, will be realized with building materials to reveal the infinite artistic and expressive possibilities.
<< Acting within a historical architecture of the city, such as Torino Esposizioni and its vaults designed by the architect Pier Luigi Nervi, means confirming the intrinsic vocation of our company: preserving and renewing the beauty of Turin, through the transformation of the buildings and dialogue with public art, design and emerging creativity >> comments Piero Boffa, President of the Building Group.
The two projects with Paratissima are therefore a sign of continuity for Building which, from 2013, in the context of the transformation of three historical complexes in the heart of Turin, has dialogue with various cultural institutions of the city – from the Academy of Fine Arts to the Salone del Libro – , through art, design, creativity. The company, founded in 1983 by the Boffa family, after numerous commercial and industrial building works, in recent years has increased civil and residential building projects, specializing in the recovery and transformation of historic buildings, conceiving its own concept of living history . In Via Alfieri, The Number 6 is the transformation of an ancient gem of Piedmontese baroque, winner of ArchDaily’s Building of the Year 2015, the world’s most widely read architecture site. On the other side of Piazza San Carlo, Lagrange12, completed in June 2016, is the restoration of the seventeenth-century building on the corner of Lagrange and Giolitti streets, a combination of ancient forms, public art, design and fashion of the eponymous multi-brand luxury store. In progress is under construction Quadrato, recovery of an Augustinian convent of the sixteenth century, in whose courtyard the work that will be born from Building Art to Paratissima XII To The Stars will be positioned.