At the auction the students’ paintings of the Academy of Fine Arts to accompany the urban transformation of the Building Group with beauty
Turin, 12 May 2016 . Twelve works by students of the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts have been auctioned for € 25,000. The works are the maxi canvases created for Common Good Creativity, the art yard in via Lagrange at the corner with via Giolitti, the open air museum that between the spring of 2014 and the beginning of 2016 accompanied the project of the Building Group for the conversion of the ancient 18th century palace, today Lagrange12. The proceeds of the auction were donated to charity in favor of AIN Onlus, the Childhood Nephropathic Association, and Vivere onlus, Association of Volunteers and Families with children with handicaps.
The evening, hosted by Luca Beatrice, art critic and President of Circolo dei Lettori, was hosted in the courtyard of Quadrato, a new project for the historical conversion of Building, of the Augustinian convent between via delle Orfane and via Santa Chiara.
<<Building builds beauty: the buildings of our architectural heritage are reborn through public art, creativity, support for the community – comments Piero Boffa, President of the Building Group – On the preservation of beauty and on good practices a model of cohabitation and development of our cities. I was pleasantly struck by the civilization of Turin: for almost two years the works of the students of the Academy were exposed in the heart of the city, naked on a high-traffic street, and no one thought of taking them or ruining them. A message of great respect for the culture, creativity and work of others>>
The charity auction Creativy common good² is the culmination of the project, curated by Building and the Academy of Fine Arts of Turin, inaugurated in the spring of 2014 as part of the OFF Exhibition on the occasion of the International Book Fair dedicated to the theme of “Good”. Fourteen students of the Academy of Fine Arts of painting and illustration courses coordinated by director Salvatore Bitonti and prof. Laura Valle, Daniele Gay and Giuseppe Leonardi, have realized the twelve works onsite, transforming via Lagrange first into a large laboratory, then an open air museum for the entire duration of the restoration work on the corner building with via Giolitti, the realization of the idea to accompany the transformation of space with the language of art.
<<Our institution is very attentive to the relationship between art and the city: contemporary creativity, in painting and in particular in street art, must dialogue with urban space, be experienced by citizens as a means by which to read reality, through the imagination, the technique and the different poetics of young artists – declares Fiorenzo Alfieri, President of the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin. Creativity Common Good can become a model of planning, an idea of how to accompany urban change by making Turin the city of “Cantieri d’Artista>>.
The works (viewable at this link) of the students of the Academy of Fine Arts, auctioned for Creativity well Common², are: “Create” by Ahmad Armone and Vagnoni Meèra Fanny, “Untitled” by Riccardo di Stefano, “Filanda “By Anna Savio,” Generations “by Stefano Allisiardi,” Urban INRI “by Alessio Moroni,” Moja, Mbili, Tatu … “by Serena Arato,” Città Capovolta “by Claudia Guastella,” Lavori in corso “by Marcello Restaldi,” Untitled “by Pasquale Dominelli and Elena Evangelisti,” No wind is favorable for those who don’t know where to go. For us who also pass the breeze will be precious. “By Antonio Filippini,” Homeland “by Antonio Castaneda,” Buena vista “by Carrettini Casandra and Golino Chiara.
The twelve works were sold to as many buyers, the proceeds of the auction – € 25 thousand – were delivered to AIN Onlus and Vivere Onlus. AIN Onlus is the Childhood Nephropathic Association, established at the end of 2007 to support the clinical and research activities aimed at children with kidney disease and operating within the Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation of the Regina Margherita Children’s Hospital in Turin; the association supports scientific research, sensitizes solidarity and supports the department by purchasing medical and recreational equipment. Vivere Onlus, operating since 1987, promotes and supports the integration of disabled people and their families; non-profit association, is aimed at promoting socio-welfare and cultural initiatives in favor of the integration of disabled people, raising public and private institutions and citizens on this issue.
The Creativity well Common evening² took place at Quadrato, the recovery project of the Sant’Agostino convent curated by the Building Group In the heart of Roman Turin, between Via delle Orfane and Via Santa Chiara, the project provides for the transformation of the complex, formerly InformaGiovani and originally an Augustinian convent, into a contemporary condominium of multiplicity of forms and uses: inside the ancient rooms of the convent , ideal for a dynamic class of young professionals, undergraduates, commuters of knowledge, will be of various sizes, defined monotype, bitipo, tritipo. Besides being a real estate investment, Quadrato, which will be partially completed by the end of 2017 and a second scale at the end of 2018, is a financial investment: apartment buyers have a 5-year income perspective and the consequent tax treatment. A real estate and financial investment project, a novelty for building in Turin.