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11 December 2018
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Made in Italy architecture and design for the world’s largest furniture fair

Turin, 11 December 2018. The Building Group brings Italian know-how to China with a design project for SZFA – Shenzhen Furniture Association, the international furniture fair in Shenzhen, scheduled for March 2019 in the city of southern China.

The BP + P Boffa Petrone & Partners studio of the Building Group, after having designed The Number 6 in Turin, the best renovation of 2015 for the most read architecture in the Archdaily world, will realize the new pavilion at the entrance of the fair, in the square in front of the access to the SZFA: a large colored, camouflaging and camouflaging sculpture, which changes shape depending on the observation point. The intervention of the Turin studio symbolizes the internationality of Shenzhen, the transformation of the city of Guangdong province into a place of commerce, traffic of ideas, meeting of worlds and cultures. However, the pavilion designed for the 2019 edition of the SZFA is only a prequel for 2020, when the BP + P studio will design an artistic and architectural project outside the new exhibition space that will host the event in Shenzhen. From 2020 in fact, the event will move to a location and will become the largest furniture show in the world, 500,000 square meters, surpassing, as a dimension, even the historic event at the Rho fair in Milan.

“We are delighted with the assignment obtained by the SZFA – Shenzhen Furniture Association, we believe it is an incredible opportunity for our studio to be able to work in such a dynamic and expanding environment as the reality of Shenzhen, the new window on the world. After the success received by the first project realized for Colore by Vasino, during the March 2018 exhibition, and the subsequent assignments for 2019 and 2020, we are seriously considering the opportunity to open a BP + P China studio ”commented Luca Petrone Founder of study.

The two installations 2019 and 2020 are not the first experience of the Building Group in China: in 2018 the BP + P Boffa Petrone & Partners studio intervened at the Shenzhen furniture fair, creating a conceptual stand, a combination of different experiences through a collaboration between the Angelo Vasino spa, the communication Noodles and the Costume and Fashion Academy of Rome. The project resulted in the creation of Colore by Vasino, a brand with which the BP + P studio was charged with the realization of the installations of the following two years.

“In China, the fascination of Made in Italy in sectors such as fashion, wine and culture is always very high and it is a sign that Italy’s attraction is always very strong. Working in China is a challenge for us, which means positioning ourselves in a market that, from the point of view of real estate, architecture and design, can offer us important opportunities for growth and internationalization “, says Piero Boffa, President of the Building Group.

Beyond Shenzhen, in Turin BP + P has already created public architecture and design in dialogue with open spaces to the city, places and art events, to the OGR-Officine Grandi Riparazioni, to the Lamarmora Barracks and to Torino Expositions for Paratissima. In a context of historical architecture, in 2017 BP + P realized the architectural project of the entrance courtyard of the new OGRs: a set of elements and furnishings to welcome the public, a large square returned to the city, a place for meeting and interaction. And also in this case the colors enrich the space that at night, through the use of light, becomes a succession of different scenarios, making the space always different in the eyes of visitors.

At the same time, the BP + P studio presented Temerario, a new recovery project through the design of former industrial containers, transformed into the info point of Paratissima and present in the context of the west courtyard of the OGR as a lounge, console and external bar of Snodo, l food and wine area of ​​the Turin hub.