Boffa Petrone & Partners for the new contemporary pole of Turin
Turin, 6 March 2017. The Boffa, Petrone & Partners Designers Associate studio together with Building Engineering has developed the architectural design and design of the South Channel, the Transept and external areas, as well as the supervision of all the restoration and refunctionalization works of the OGR, the major repair shops, which thanks to the CRT Foundation, will become the new contemporary pole of Turin starting from the inauguration scheduled for autumn 2017.
<< In recent years the quality of our design interventions has focused on renewing the beauty of the city’s historic sites with the mission of transforming them in order to redefine their function through design, visual arts and creativity. Working on OGRs, the new strategic asset for contemporary culture and the city of the future, means enhancing our architectural heritage as a formidable container of visions of the future >> points out Piero Boffa, co-founder of Boffa, Petrone & Partners and President of the Building Group.
The restoration works of which, the architect Luca Petrone, co-founder of Boffa, Petrone & Partners, led the works management, concerned an area of 40 thousand square meters between building and exteriors; the studio also took care of the design and design of the South Channel, of the transept and of the external areas that will constitute the access court on corso Castelfidardo and the large courtyard of the piezometric tower.
<< On a context of historical architecture, the intervention was conservative with great respect for the pre-existing industrial lines; the philological discourse that we followed in the development of design and interior and courtyard elements is to refer to the styles and canons of the time when the Great Repair Workshops, at the beginning of the twentieth century, were the heart of the city that lived its industrial development >> comments architect Luca Petrone, co-founder of Boffa, Petrone & Partners, Building Engineering manager. << The idea developed by the studio >> continues the OGR director of works of re-functionalization << consists in the transformation of the entrance courtyard into an open space to the city, a large square that will become the court of the OGR-CRT pole, a foyer en plein air, a meeting place, interaction, communication independent of the use of the spaces within it, a new square for the City of Turin. The space at night will take on a character that is full of charm through the use of light, which in the succession of different scenarios will make this place always different for visitors. On the side of the South sleeve, there is the “superfetazione”, appendix of the corridors of the structure that will host the ticket office and a shop >> concludes the architect Petrone.
The Boffa, Petrone & Partners studio was established within the Building Group and specializes in architectural design and feasibility studies, interior design, building renovation, restoration and construction management. Founded in 1983 in Turin, in recent years the Building Group has concentrated its activities in civil and residential construction, specializing in the recovery and transformation of historic buildings, conceiving its own concept of living history.