Gruppo BuildingGruppo Building
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Building Optimism H4O

Building Optimism H4O

Il progetto di H40 e Building si svilupperà a Antamotamo, piccolo villaggio rurale il cui nome malgascio significa “terra della curcuma” situato sull’isola di Nosy Komba nel nord ovest del Madagascar. La collaborazione tra H4O e Building, grazie all’aiuto della Tavola Valdese, prevede la costruzione di 50 stanze da bagno per ciascuna delle abitazioni del villaggio.

L.D.V Building Extended

L.D.V Building Extended

Construction of a new industrial complex on the site of a disused industry. Natural extension of the “Leonardo da Vinci Building Center“, takes stylistic and dimensional settings continuing the process of redevelopment of the area

L.D.V Building Center

L.D.V Building Center

New construction of a real estate complex that saw the construction of 7 production units / tertiary and an office building.

Building Center 4

Building Center 4

Restructuring of a disused industrial complex with the construction of 6 production units, an office building and a restaurant.

Colore 2019

Colore 2019

The Boffa Petrone & Partners studio realizes the large entrance installation at the Shenzhen furniture fair. The intervention symbolizes the internationality of the technological and hi-tech epicenter of China, a place of commerce and innovation, traffic of ideas, meeting of worlds and cultures.

Colore 2018

Colore 2018

The Colore by Vasino stand is our first Chinese project. It is a space created in collaboration with Noodles Comunicazione srl, Angelo Vasino spa and Costume and Fashion Academy of Rome thanks to the invitation of the Shenzhen Furniture association (SZFA).

Alkemy Stand

Alkemy Stand

Stand alkemy al Cosmofarma 2016 a Bologna